Office Patterns & Practices: remote provisioning framework

Most of you do probably know the Office Dev Center; the portal for (SharePoint) Office development. But who is familiar with the Office Dev Patterns & Practices initiative? This initiative lead by Microsoft has as main goal to provide a central repository for all code, solutions, patterns, examples with regards to (SharePoint) Office development. Their most important asset is their GIT repository of which the first delivery was done in May 2014.

Office Patterns & Practices is also to be found on Channel9:


New: remote provisioning framework

A very interesting addition recently made is a first version of a remote provisioning framework  in order to provision sites based on templated configuration files. This requirement lives with lots of customers and using this framework we can provide faster solution to address the needs. Check the demo video on Channel9:

The Office Dev patterns & practices initiative therefore is really something to keep following closely.

Some questions I have:

  • To what extent is on-premise SharePoint server supported;
  • Are the publishing features already supported;
  • What to think of the automatic deployment of apps you want to install to the newly created sites;
  • Is there any collaboration between the (PowerShell-driven) desired state configuration team within Microsoft. Also they have made a (basis for) provisioning framework for SharePoint; albeit their focus to create the infrastructure side, i.e. the creation of a SharePoint farm. OfficeDevPnP will then proceed with the provisioning of sites, pages, etc.


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